First Visit


At your first visit, please bring the following information:

If your general dentist makes the following available, please bring them to your appointment:

  • Copy of any panoramic X-ray taken within the past year
  • Copy of most recent full-mouth periapical and bitewing X-rays
  • A note indicating the date of your last cleaning and that all cavities have been restored


During the initial exam, the patient's health history will be discussed, and the reasons for seeking treatment will be explored. Dr. McManus will perform a thorough orthodontic exam, make recommendations on the need or timing of treatment, and answer any questions you may have. Once all questions have been answered and a treatment plan has been agreed upon, we will be ready to start treatment!

If treatment is indicated and you would like to proceed, an appointment can be scheduled at your earliest convenience. The diagnostic procedures take about 30 minutes and involve digital X-rays, photos of the patient's face and teeth, and molds of the teeth (impressions) to fabricate study models. Most patients choose to schedule their diagnostic procedures on the same day their braces are placed to avoid an additional appointment. If diagnostic procedures and the placement of braces are scheduled for the same appointment, the appointment will last approximately two hours.


The adhesive we use to attach your braces to your teeth cures quickly. While you may eat any time after leaving our office, please do avoid foods that could damage or break your wires and brackets. Until you get used to eating with your new braces, you may want to follow a soft food diet.


When you first get your braces, they may feel like they are "sticking out." This is normal. As you get adjusted to your new braces and tooth alignment improves, this feeling will go away. Even though your brackets were rounded and smoothed out, you may need to place a small piece of dental wax around the bracket to relieve irritation until the cheek tissues "toughen up."

You may feel soreness the day your braces are placed. Also, your teeth, typically the front teeth, may be tender. While some patients have no discomfort after braces are placed, most experience soreness during the first eight hours. This discomfort should go away within a week, though this can vary for each patient. In the meantime, you may take over-the-counter pain medication to alleviate discomfort. You may want to take these medications before the pain starts for maximum effectiveness.


After each appointment, please complete the following steps to minimize discomfort and ensure optimal treatment results.

  • Use your tongue and finger to ensure the wire ends are not poking or irritating your cheeks or tongue.
  • Make sure you understand your orthodontic "homework." This includes avoiding and minimizing foods that could damage your braces, following specific hygiene instructions, and wearing your elastics and other appliances as instructed.
  • Be sure you have an adequate amount of bands, cleaning aids, wax, and other items you may need between visits.
  • Schedule your next appointment to prevent delays in treatment.


4507 24th Street,
Rock Island, IL 61201

Phone:  (309) 558-0075

Office Hours

MON7:00 am - 6:00 pm

TUE7:00 am - 6:00 pm

WED7:00 am - 6:00 pm

THU7:00 am - 6:00 pm

FRI7:00 am - 6:00 pm

